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Club Vert Terre Mère

June 26, 2024
green team

In January, Mme Ginette created an amazing Club Vert Terre Mère. We had an amazing 26 students that were interested in joining. Students were tasked with emptying the compost bins daily and cleaning the bins every Friday. Since then, things have expanded and Mme Ginette applied and received grant funding to support a huge ESD project.

The Green Team planted seeds to start our gardens. They planted chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. This is for growing medicinal herbs that will hopefully will grow beautifully and heartily so the Green Team can make lavender honey, lavender/chamomile/lemon balm tea, soothing organic ointment and lavender pockets for reducing anxiety! Projects Mme Ginette is hoping to endeavour next year with the dried herbs!

They also planted seeds for attracting and sustaining our much needed pollinators! Included in this are milkweed and 3 different garden beds that are meant to attract 3 different species of pollinators; one for honeybees, one for hummingbirds and one for butterflies. The project for this year will be to study if these different varieties of flowers do in fact attract that specific pollinator or do all the flowers attract all species equally. 

 The Green Team is super excited about this project and the impact it will have in our school/community! 


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