Visual Arts
May 14, 2024
The Visual Arts program provides a foundation for future post-secondary studies in Fine Arts, Communications, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Architecture, Education and Arts Administration.
Visual Arts is offered at grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. The Visual Arts program follows the new Manitoba Curriculum Framework and recognizes each student as a young and developing artist.
The Tec-Voc Visual Arts program offers creative and original art making activities in drawing, painting, sculpture, textiles, design, and craft. Students participate in skill-building projects that allow them to develop technical ability while challenging them to solve problems creatively. Activities are hands-on, allowing students to imagine, sketch, design and create a work of art from start to finish.
The Visual Arts program provides a foundation for future post-secondary studies in Fine Arts, Communications, Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Architecture, Education and Arts Administration.
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Grade 9 Art (1/2 Credit) VAHB1S
Students are introduced to the elements of design as they experiment with different media in order to try their hand at various art making techniques. Grade 9 Visual Arts offers students a chance to create art with their peers as they learn the fundamentals of drawing, painting, sculpture, and craft. No previous art experience required, only a willingness to try a bit of everything!
Grade 10 Art (1 Credit) VIAR2S
Students begin to link the elements of design to their own works of art. While participating in drawing, painting, sculpture, and craft, students learn about various periods in art history as well as contemporary issues. No previous art experience required, only a willingness to follow through with an idea from initial sketches to finished product!
GImage Captionrade 11 Art (1 Credit) VIAR3S
Students hone their technical skills and begin to spend more time on complex and detailed works of art. Students will develop deeper observational skills will have more opportunity for choice as they participate in drawing, painting, sculpture, and craft. Sketchbooks and personal reflection become increasingly important in the grade 11 Visual Arts program. Prior art experience recommended.
Grade 12 Art (1 Credit) VIAR4S
Students continues to hone their skills, focusing on the meaning behind their artistic and aesthetic choices. Sketchbooks remain a priority as students narrow their focus and work on increasingly complex individual works of art. Prior art experience is recommended.