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Gordon Bell teacher honoured for innovative STEM education, George Pearce receives award from Prime Minister

June 27, 2024
Gordon Bell teacher honoured for innovative STEM education, George Pearce receives award from Prime Minister

A Gordon Bell High School teacher has put the school into national prominence. George Pearce, a Grade 7 and 8 Science and Math teacher, has been honoured with the Prime Minister’s Awards 2024 Certificate of Achievement for Teaching Excellence in STEM.

"I'm deeply honoured to receive the Prime Minister's Award. This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation I bring to my classroom daily. It reflects not just my efforts but also the incredible support from my students, colleagues, and especially my school leaders,” Mr. Pearce said. 

“I'm grateful for the opportunity to inspire and be inspired, and I look forward to continuing to make my classroom a place of love, joy, and rigour. Thank you to everyone who has been part of this amazing experience."

Mr. Pearce is a teacher who makes learning exciting, playful, and energetic through his creative lesson plans. He utilizes all types of available technology and advanced tools like Makey-Makey, Micro: bits, Virtual Reality, drones, Sphero, and YouTube to captivate students' interests and develop their practical, real-world skills crucial for their future success.


“Mr. Pearce's advocacy for digital citizenship and responsible technology use reflects his understanding of the evolving digital landscape,” said Vinh Huynh, Principal of Gordon Bell High School. 

“He ensures that students acquire technical skills and develop ethical and mindful digital practices, significantly contributing to their overall well-being.”

At Gordon Bell High School, Mr. Pearce taught states of matter and the water cycle using posters and Sphero coding. To celebrate Halloween and the tradition of pumpkin carving, Mr. Pearce taught Grades 7 and 8 students to light up the carved pumpkins by using Micro: bit. Employing the design process, students collaborated to plan, program, and mount LEDS, simultaneously resulting in multiple LEDs flashing.

As always, Mr. Pearce shared the whole process with educators through a YouTube video. Mr. Pearce's commitment to professional development and resource sharing showcases his leadership within the educational community. His YouTube videos and collaborative projects have inspired fellow educators and contributed to a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Mr. Pearce has also created a library of instructional videos on YouTube that meet students' self-learning needs at home to build a solid math foundation. Some students feel too shy to clarify their doubts and may lose motivation to solve complex math problems, so using the videos where Mr. Pearce offers step-by-step solutions; students get the confidence to be better at Math.

Mr. Pearce's strong commitment to caring for the environment is showcased by his involvement in projects like enriching the school's green areas, inspiring students to embrace responsibility and develop a deep awareness of environmental issues.


One of the many things that makes Mr. Pearce a special teacher is how he ensures everyone feels included and helps students grow in many ways. His latest and favourite project is starting an e-gaming club that brings kids from different backgrounds together to learn teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. 

"I like how Mr. Pearce tries to make things fun for us, especially starting the gaming club and esports stuff. He has good routines that build in times for us to play with our friends after our work is done,” said Grade 8 student Tieg Meacham. 

I like how he always gets us to do hands-on stuff in science and STEM classes. We get to be creative and build stuff."

For the first time this year, Gordon Bell High School students used high-speed processors to compete in Rocket League. They also clinched the first-place victory in the Manitoba Esports Association’s 2024 Brawlhalla season. 

The project 'Bridging the gap through Esports' aims to provide training, equipment and motivation to students from low-income families.

Mr. Pearce's influence on education is profound and far-reaching. His creative teaching methods focus on students' success, welcoming attitude and care for the community. His efforts have changed how students learn and raised the bar for excellence in education everywhere. 

To know more about his innovative teaching and STEM program, please visit his biography on the Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence in STEM website. 

Congratulations, Mr. Pearce, for the well-deserved award! 



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