Community Room
February 23, 2024
Check our newsletter for the latest Community Room Calendar!

Bread & potato pick-up
Every Wednesday an assortment of bread, potatoes and on some occasions, onions will be available for families to take home. These food items can be picked-up every Wednesdays in the Community Room from 3:30-4:00 pm. Please bring your own bag.
Community shelf
Located in front of the office will be assortment of items available to families and students. Items will range from clothing of various sizes to housewares. The Community Shelf will be available every Thursday from 11:45 a.m - 3:30 p.m.
Winter Gear
Is your child in need of winter gear? If so, please contact Antonette for gloves, hats or scarfs. We have items that are gently used (and cleaned) or brand new. We also have a limited amount of winter jackets and boots.
We gladly accept donations for new/gently used clothing, jackets, winter wear and more to give to our students. Please contact Antoinette at the school 204-786-5631.