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Luxton No-Fee Lunch Supervision

October 4, 2024


  1. 1726832126154.pngStudents must be registered for lunch program. Parents / guardians may register their children for lunch supervision during the lunch hour when there is no one home to care for them, or when are not already supervised by before and after school daycare (e.g., Mary Kardash Child Care Centre). Parents / guardians may also register if they live more than1.6 km away and come to school by bus.
  2. Click on the link above ( or scan the QR code on this page to access the registration form.
  3. Both parents/guardians and students must agree to abide by a code of conduct. If students do not behave according to the guidelines, they can be withdrawn from lunch supervision program. We have guidelines for positive behaviour during the lunch hour. For example, students are to remain seated while eating, use calm, indoor voices, and follow the instructions of the lunch supervisor.
  4. Students accepted to the lunch program bring their own non-microwaveable lunch from home – no food is provided. They must dispose of garbage appropriately and clean their own messes. Students must bring their own utensils.
  5. Students who are NOT registered must leave the school grounds and not return to the school grounds before 12:40 PM. If a student needed to stay for lunch occasionally – please phone the school.
  6. Children will have 30 minutes of outdoor play during the lunch hour. Please dress for the weather conditions. During colder months we will stay inside only when the windchill reaches -25 degrees. 

Lunch Supervision 


Students will eat in the hallways at cafeteria tables and will be supervised by education assistants.

  • 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM – first floor students eat, second floor students go outside
  • 12:15 PM – 12:40 PM - second floor students eat, first floor students go outside

Lunch-time supervision will be provided by education assistants and one supervising teacher. There will be opportunities for volunteers from the community to help out.

Several children and staff at Luxton have life threatening allergies to nuts and fish. Our goal is to provide a safe classroom and school for all students. Please assist us in ensuring that your child’s lunches and snacks are nut free and fish free.

PLEASE NOTE: we strongly encourage students to go home if they can. With higher staff to student supervision ratios at lunch and with more unstructured time, more conflict can occur at lunch than at any other time in the school day. This period of the day may not be an easy experience for some children, for example, those who have additional social-emotional difficulties.


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