English Language Arts
June 19, 2023

R. B. Russell offers English Language Arts courses for grade 9, 10, 11 and 12. In English Language Arts students meet the curricular outcomes by doing six things:
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
- Viewing
- Representing
Students in each grade are given opportunities to meet all of the Specific Learning Outcomes in the Manitoba English Language Arts curriculum. All of these SLO’s are sorted into five groups with General Learning Outcomes representing each one.
— Students will explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
— Students will comprehend and respond personally and critically by oral, print and other media texts.
— Students will manage ideas and information.
— Students will enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.
— Students will celebrate and build community. Throughout the year, students participate in a wide variety of assessment including assessment for learning, assessment of learning and assessment as learning. ELA students in all of the clusters participate in a common summative assessment at the end of the year based on the grade they are in. Grade 12’s write the Provincial English Language Arts Standards Test.
The ELA Department at R. B. Russell has five priorities:
— Provide active, engaging, relevant learning that meets outcomes in the curriculum
— Foster a culture of reading and writing
— Maintain clear expectations and standards
— Build learning communities
— Provide a variety of formative and summative assessment
Grade 12 Psychology 40S (1 Credit)
The Grade 12 Psychology course looks at the complexities of human thought and behaviour, as well as differences among people. Topics of study may include conformity and obedience, sleep and dreams, memory, motivation and the anxious mind. This course examines topics through reading and reflection, with a focus on technology, media and video. In addition, students will have an opportunity to participate in classroom psychology experiments. "Go inside the mind" and find out why we as human beings do the things we do!
Grade 12 Cinema as a Witness to Modern History 40S (1 Credit)
This course considers film as a source of information - or misinformation - about the past, and as a springboard for critical reflection about diverse interpretations of history. The course deals with historical developments and themes that have influenced world history since the beginning of the 20th century. Witness history through a truly unique experience of learning.