Kidspace Childcare
April 18, 2024

Supervisor: Diane Zborowsky,
Hours Offered
Before School: 7:00 am - 9:00 am
After School: 3:30pm - 6:00 pm
Nursery/Kindergarten: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Pre-School: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
How do I place my child on the waiting list?
For more information, check out the YMCA-YWCA's website at
How will I know if my child has been accepted into the program?
If a space becomes available, you will receive a phone call from a Registrar at the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg. It is very important while wait listing your child to provide all possible means of communication. If contact is not made, we will try again to contact you and if still unsuccessful, we will move on to the next child on the wait list.
What if there is no available space for my child at the time of enrolment?
If you do not receive a phone call by the end of June, it means the centre is currently full for that program in the upcoming year. The child will remain on the wait list until a spot opens up in the future.
What is the next step after I have been notified of an available space?
We will ask that you provide the YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg with consent to send you electronic receipts and other information. Once consent is given, we will be able to formally email you an offer of care. When we have received your acceptance of space via email, we will forward registration paperwork to be completed.
Do you provide care over Christmas/Spring/Summer Breaks?
Yes! Rockwood Kidspace is open all year long.
Will my child be guaranteed a space for Grade 1?
Kindergarten care is only guaranteed for 1 year. Once your child has been enrolled into our Kindergarten child care program, they will be placed on the waiting list as priority for School Age care (Grade 1-6). Available space will be determined by how many children leave/age out of the centre for the following year. If a space does not become available for your child for Grade 1, they will remain on the waiting list until a space opens in the future.
Once your child is accepted into the School Age Child Care Program, they will remain enrolled in the program until such a time as they age out or you provide notice of their withdrawal.
If your child is registered in our Nursery Program, they are guaranteed a space in our Kindergarten Program.