December 21, 2022

Éducation Musicale (Music Program Overview)
Students are exposed to music from different eras, various genres, and from different parts of the world. Instruction is in French and most songs and speech activities help to further develop each child’s French language reading, writing, and speaking skills.
- Develop in-tune singing
- Learn to recognize ascending, descending, and repeated notes
- Learn to identify high and low sounds.
- Demonstrate musical beat through body percussion, appropriate movement, and playing untuned percussion instruments
- Reading and playing simple rhythm patterns using quarter notes, quarter rests, and eight notes.
- Demonstrate proper technique and control on untuned and tuned percussion instruments.
- Listening to and following instructions
- Using word cues and sound cues when doing actions and during movement/dance activities
- Identifying loud and soft sounds.
- Beginning and ending on signal
- Recognizing and following conductor’s hand signals
- Performing appropriately as a member of a group.
- Sing identify, and play simple melodies with ascending, descending, and repeated notes
- Develop in-tune singing with good articulation.
- Read, play, and identify rhythm patterns using quarter notes, quarter rests, half notes, and eight notes
- Demonstrate musical beat using body percussion, appropriate movement, and untuned percussion instruments
- Play simple rhythmic ostinato to accompany speech and singing.
- Play tuned percussion instruments using correct mallet techniques.
- Play untuned percussion instruments using good control with regards to dynamics.
- Listen to and follow instructions
- Listen attentively during guided listening activities in order to describe various elements being studied (eg. Rondo form, loud/soft, high/low, etc.)
- Identify elements in music such as tone colour, tempo, dynamics, and beat.
- Begin and end on signal
- Perform songs and accompaniments following the tempo set for the class.
- Read, identify, sing, and play simple melodies with ascending, descending, and repeated notes.
- Develop in-tune singing with good articulation.
- Play simple melodies and accompaniments.
- Independently maintain a part in a 2- or 3-part canon.
- Independently sing or play an ostinato to accompany a song.
- Read and play simple rhythm patterns using quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, eighth rests, half notes, half rests, whole notes, whole rests, and sixteenth notes.
- Be able to identify the duration of notes and rests being used.
- Perform rhythmic ostinato to accompany songs, speech activities, and dances.
- Play simple melodies and ostinato using proper mallet techniques on tuned percussion instruments.
- Explore various methods to produce sounds using untuned percussion instruments.
- Staying focused when instructions are being given.
- Identify elements of music such as tone colour, dynamics, tempo, style, and expression during guided listening activities.
- Begin and end on signal when singing, playing instruments, or dancing.
- Perform vocal and instrumental selections as a contributing member of a musical ensemble.
- Follow the tempo set for the group.
- Sing, play, or dance 2- and 3-part rounds and canons.
- Read and play simple melodies on the soprano recorder using B, A, G, E, D, F#, C’, D’
- Sing and play multi-part song and pieces.
- Identify and demonstrate the correct duration of notes when reading musical scores.
- Read and interpret rhythm patterns (formules rythmiques) correctly using quarter, eighth, sixteenth, half, full, and dotted notes and rests.
- Learn to play the soprano recorder using correct hand position, fingering, tonguing, and blowing techniques.
- Continue to explore and to develop good technique on various percussion instruments.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize errors when playing the recorder or other instruments. Take steps to correct the error.
- Learn to distinguish between various musical styles and genres and to identify various musical forms such as unison/canon, rondo, theme and variations, etc.
- Play the recorder at appropriate times.
- Begin and end on signal when singing and when playing the recorder or other instruments.
- Follow the tempo set for the group.
- Experience the thrill of leading/conducting a small group or the entire class.
- Be a team player as a member of the class ensemble.
GRADES 5 & 6
- Read and play soprano recorder (notes: B, Bb, A, G, C’, D’, E’, F, F#, E, D, C) and alto recorder (notes: E’, D’, C’, B, Bb, A, G, F’, F#’, G’) parts in multi-voice scores. Some students also have the opportunity to play the Tenor or Bass recorder.
- Sing in tune with good articulation and a sense of dynamics and phrasing.
- Identify and demonstrate the correct duration of notes when playing the recorder (or other instrument) and singing.
- Read rhythm patterns correctly when playing recorder repertoire.
- Be able to explain the value of dotted notes and rests.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize errors when playing the recorder and to take steps to correct the error independently.
- Identify musical elements such as form tone colour, dynamics, and tempo when listening to musical selections. Use musical vocabulary to identify characteristics of a wide variety of music.
- Demonstrate correct technique when playing the recorder and other instruments.
- Play tuned and untuned percussion instruments with control and proper technique.
- Sing or play multi-part rounds, canons, and pieces while reading and following the musical score.
- Begin and end on signal when performing vocal or instrumental selections.
- Practice leading a small musical group or conducting an entire class.
- Perform appropriately as a contributing member of a musical group.
GRADE 7 & 8
- Read and interpret multi-part musical scores.
- Explore alternatives to traditional musical notation.
- Continue to develop phrasing, articulation, and expression when singing.
- Demonstrate the correct duration of notes/chords when playing an instrument.
- Read rhythm patterns correctly when playing an instrument or singing.
- Explore more complex rhythm groupings such as those found 5/4, 7/4, and 9/8 time.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize errors when playing an instrument and to take steps to correct the error.
- Identify musical elements such as form, tone colour, dynamics, tempo, and genre when listening to various musical selections.
- Using music vocabulary, be able to describe main elements of a musical composition.
- Form an opinion and, using music vocabulary, be able to explain that opinion of a piece of music or a specific genre whether favourable or unfavourable.
- Demonstrate correct technique when playing an instrument.
- Play the recorder, guitar, and/or percussion instruments with control and proper technique.
- Play soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders (wind instruments) as part of a musical ensemble which also includes guitars, ukuleles (stringed instruments), and percussion instruments. Students will choose one instrument (wind, string, or percussion) as their main one but will also be given the opportunity to learn how to play the others.
- Read, sing, play multi-part musical scores.
- Become increasingly independent and capable of following one’s part with little or no guidance.
- Begin and end on signal when performing vocal or instrumental selections.
- Maintain the set tempo of a piece of music being performed by the ensemble.
- Perform appropriately as a member of a musical group.
- Lead a small music ensemble or conduct an entire class.