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Sisler Course Registration

March 6, 2025

Course Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on March 10, 2025.

When making your course selections, ensure that you have all required courses. Review the Sisler Course Book 202526 as well as the instructional video. 

Sisler Course Book 2025-2026:


Online Course Registration Instructions 202526 PDF: Microsoft Word - Online Course Registration Instructions 202526 (2)

When choosing electives ensure you are thinking about your future plans. Most Universities require grade 12 Math and English, as well as three other classes, two of which need to be academic classes. Programs that are Math, Science, or Business based often require Applied or Pre-calculus Math and one science class, such as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Computer Science. The University of Manitoba has a list of accepted academic courses which is a good guide for all post-secondary programs.


Course registrations are due March 28. Failure to complete registration by this time will significantly reduce your chances of getting the courses you want most.

For returning students, printed copies are not required unless there are changes to personal information (phone numbers, address, emergency contact, etc.). If personal information needs to be updated, please follow the steps for printing and submit the updated signed copies to the guidance office.

If you have any questions about the registration process, which courses you need to graduate, or which courses you need for specific post-secondary programs, please make an appointment with your guidance counsellor.

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