Intramural Sports
March 5, 2024
On February 13th, Tyndall Park School hosted the volleyball tournament with surrounding schools. There was standing room only for coaches, students and supervising staff members from our school and Shaughnessy Park, Garden Grove, Faraday and Stanley Knowles schools.
Tyndall Park School hosted the grade six soccer tournament attended by not only our own students, but also by students from Garden Grove, Faraday, and Meadows West. Although the weather did not cooperate on day one of the tournament and it needed to be held in the gym, students had a great time anyhow! We thank the visiting schools and their coaches as well as our coaches, Ms. Dow who facilitated the event, and Ms. Basaraba, and Mrs. McKelvey for all their support.
Thanks to Ms. Dow and Mr. Erichsen for piloting a grade 5/6 Ultimate Frisbee Club which started in May and continued into June, ending with a free Ultimate Clinic for all students in grades 3-6. The clinic, hosted by a coach from MODS (Manitoba Organization of Disc Sports) will develop student skills by running scrimmages and improving on speed and technicality, while focusing on teamwork. Thanks to MODS for visiting Tyndall Park School and working with out students and introducing them to this sport.
Thanks to Ms. Dow for organizing the grade 5/6 baseball tournament against Stanley Knowles School on June 9th. Highlights included Colton hitting a grand slam, and incredible pitching from Brianna and great work from Dhanezen as backcatcher. It was a superb tournament and an exceptional job was performed by all students.