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Taking Charge! Of Academics

May 31, 2024

Adult Learning Centre 


Taking Charge! is a non-profit, charitable organization that provides programs and services to single parents and women who are working towards economic independence.  Taking Charge! provides intake, assessment, planning and goal-setting, personal development, pre-employment programs, and academic upgrading with the goal of post-secondary training and/or employment.
The organization houses Taking Charge! Of Academics (TCA), which is a program delivered in partnership with Winnipeg School Division - Winnipeg Adult Education Centre.  The program is delivered in four terms with intakes in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer and offers Manitoba high school credit courses in English, Math, Family Studies and Active Healthy Lifestyles.  Upon completion of one or two 10-week terms in Taking Charge! of Academics, participants usually transfer to another adult education centre, unless they are ready to enter college or the workforce.
Click here to access the website or call 204-925-1100.







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