Lunch Program
October 31, 2024
Outdoor Activity @ Lunch
All students from grades 1-8 will be going outside over the lunch hour for the entire year. To ensure that all students have room to "play", our grade 7/8 students will be going outside from 11:45 - 12:10 (then coming in to eat); the students in grades 1-6 will be eating first, then going out at 12:10
2024-2025 Lunch Program Registration
The École Stanley Knowles Parent Council operates a user pay Lunch Program for students who are unable to go home for lunch.
The École Stanley Knowles Parent Council operates a user pay Lunch Program for students who are unable to go home for lunch.
The Parent Run Lunch Program is a non-profit organization and the lunch fees collected are used to pay the wages of the adult lunch supervisors who provide supervision in the classroom over the lunch hour and on the playground.
All children attending Lunch Program should come with a lunch that does not require heating and any necessary utensils. There is NO microwave available.
Students who choose not to participate in the ÉSKS Lunch Program are expected to leave the building and the school grounds over the lunch hour. There is NO supervision for students who are not part of the paid Lunch Program.
All children attending Lunch Program should come with a lunch that does not require heating and any necessary utensils. There is NO microwave available.
Students who choose not to participate in the ÉSKS Lunch Program are expected to leave the building and the school grounds over the lunch hour. There is NO supervision for students who are not part of the paid Lunch Program.
If you have any questions, please contact either Christine Klajncar, Lunch Program
Co-ordinator at 204-694-0483 (M – F between 10:30 am & 1:30 pm) or email at
If you are planning to use the Lunch Program for the 2024 - 2025 school year, you MUST register before August 30th, 2024 to ensure that your child has a spot reserved. Late registrations will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis depending on available staff (with an additional $10 fee).
*Please note: Payment in full must accompany all applications. Payment options are as follows:
- By cheque for either the full amount OR post-dated monthly cheques dated for the 15th of the month.
- (All cheques should be made payable to Stanley Knowles Parent Lunch Program (SKPLP).
- By email and e-transfer to