Student Safety
March 3, 2022

We have switched to an automated Call Back system called SafeArrival. By now, you have likely used it, or have had contact from the system regarding your child's absences.
Here's a summary of how it works:
* Rather than phoning the school office, parents/guardians should notify the SafeArrival system of their child's absence in one of three ways:
- By calling an automated interactive telephone system via a toll free number 1-855-278-4513
- Via website:
- Or by using the SafeArrival app on your iOS or Android device
* After classroom attendance is taken at 9:00 am, the SafeArrival system will begin contacting the parents/guardians (by automated telephone call and/or email) of any student who is marked absent who has not already been reported absent by their parents/guardians.
* If the SafeArrival system is unable to reach parents/guardians or designated contacts after 20 minutes, the school office staff will follow up with a phone call.
* The SafeArrival system uses the contact information of parents/guardians that has been provided to the school. If you have changed your telephone number or email address recently, or are not receiving notification calls, please follow up with the school office to ensure that we have the most current information on file.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school.

Remember that King Edward Street in front of the school
Is a designated School Zone.
Motorists must reduce their speed to 30 km/h
School zone speed limits are enforced
Monday - Friday between 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.
In addition to having regular Fire Drills, we will also practice Lock Down and Hold and Secure Procedures. These drills are not intended to alarm students, but rather ensure that they are aware of what to do should an emergency situation arise. It's imperative that all drills happen quickly and effectively.
We are also planning to have an evacuation drill to Tyndall Park School in May or June.
Traffic around École Stanley Knowles School is extremely heavy especially before and after school. Please slow down and be extra cautious and encourage your children to walk to and from school whenever possible.
If you must drop off or pick your children up from school, please drop them off 2 blocks away from school to avoid the traffic congestion and to ensure their safe arrival to school.
Please remember that the bus loop in front of the school, as well as the staff parking lot, should NOT be used to drop off or pick up students at any time.
Even if you are only going to stop for a minute, you may be preventing a school bus from safely entering or leaving the bus loop or you may be preventing a staff member from parking their vehicle and getting to work on time.
Any vehicles that are parked in the bus loop or the staff parking lot (even for minute) are subject to be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
We also ask that you be respectful to the tenants who live at the Tyndall Green Apartments on the corner of Kinver and King Edward and do not use their parking lot to drop off or pick up your children, as this interferes with the Tenants ability to enter or exit their lot.