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Grade 1 & 2 Room 150

September 24, 2024

Grade 1/2 Classroom Overview

The grade 1/2 team consists of Ms. Badillo in Room 149, Mrs. Sylvester in Room 150, Ms. Forester in Room 153 and Mrs. Phat in Room 152. We are so excited to be part of your child’s learning journey for the 2024/2025 school year!

Academic Focus

Throughout the school year we will be focusing on literacy and numeracy, and integrating other curricular areas (science, social studies, art, and health) in a variety of ways that include outdoor learning, inquiry & project based learning, technology and mindfulness activities.  In numeracy, we will be focusing on developing number sense, increasing mental math skills, and improving critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.  In literacy, we will be working on developing strong readers and writers through daily instruction & practice, using a combination of different genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc).  Phonics will also be a big part of our literacy program, using oral, hands on, and written activities to help students develop a good understanding of letter-sound combinations and spelling patterns.  Regular numeracy and literacy routines will include activities such as counting collections, representing numbers, read-alouds, independent reading, and word work activities such as word building.  


All grade 1/2 classes are on Seesaw. This will be our primary source of communication and a window into our classrooms throughout the year.  Please ensure you are connected to your child’s Seesaw journal using the Seesaw Family app.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about this, or need support doing this.

Additional Information 

We will be having a morning snack time every day before morning recess.  Please send nut-free and fish-free snacks for your child to eat during this time, in addition to their lunch (if they are staying for lunch program). We would also appreciate you sending pre-filled reusable water bottles to school for your child to drink throughout the day. There is a water bottle filling station they can use if they run out.  

We are all looking forward to a great learning year!  If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child's teacher on Seesaw, or call the school at 204-589-4745.  


Gr. 1/2 rm. 149 Ms Badillo                Gr. 1/2 rm 150   Mrs. Sylvester 


Gr. 1/2 rm. 153 Ms. Forester             Gr. 1/2 rm. 152 Mrs. Phat

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