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Grade 3 & 4 Room P1

September 12, 2024

Program Overview 2024-2025

Robertson School, Grade 3/4, Room P1 

Teacher: Mrs. Sirdar


Welcome to P1 and the 2024-2025 school year!  My name is Mrs. Sirdar and I am excited to be your child’s teacher.  Our learning year is about to begin and I am eager to see our community of learners grow together!  Below, I have included a brief description of the concepts that will be covered in our classroom this year, as well as some information to ensure that your child has a successful learning experience.  I am confident that we have a great year ahead of us!

Curriculum Overview

Where possible, subject areas will be integrated, and will include the following:

English Language Arts:  Students will use language to listen, speak, view, read, write, and represent.  They will learn different strategies to think about and understand what they read, see, and watch. Asking good questions about a research topic, and creating and following a plan to find information is an important part of Grade 3.  Following a plan to complete a research project is an important part of Grade 4.  Students will learn to create messages, stories, and presentations that are clear and interesting for their listeners and readers.

Math:  All students will develop mental math strategies to help with problem solving and math operations. They will learn through the strands of number, shape and space, patterns and relations, and statistics and probability. 

Grade 3 students will learn to count forward and backward to 1000 in different ways.  They will learn about multiplying and dividing to 25.  Students will connect numbers, fractions, and shapes to their everyday lives, such as by estimating the number of minutes needed to do an activity. They will share their ideas about solving a problem. They will also create patterns, measure time/mass/length, describe and sort shapes, and construct bar graphs.

Grade 4 students will use objects, pictures, and numbers to show and compare quantities up to 10 000 using different strategies.  They will continue to work on multiplication and division, including the recall of facts up to 5 x 5, and learn to add and subtract decimals.  Students will learn to read and record time, connect numbers and shapes to their everyday lives, and explain patterns in charts and tables.  They will also solve problems and explain their strategies, using objects, pictures, and equations.

Social Studies:  Students will explore ways of life in communities, past and present.  They will be introduced to world geography and enrich their knowledge of natural, social, and cultural diversity.  Students will study two contemporary communities of the world, one of which is an Indigenous community. They will also explore life in an ancient society and come to appreciate the lasting contributions of diverse communities of the world.

Science:  Students will study different types of materials to understand how the strength and stability of structures are linked to the properties of materials, and how the structures are put together. By studying gravity, magnetism and static electricity, they will learn about forces that can have an impact without direct contact.   They will learn about light, and apply design process skills to make simple optical devices.  Through investigations, students will study influences that change habitats and affect plants and animals.  

Health:  Students will utilize the Zones of Regulation program and mindfulness practices to foster self-regulation and emotional control.  They will learn about living an active and healthy lifestyle.  Students will also learn about making good choices for healthy eating, physical activity and safety, and about ways to avoid and deal with dangerous situations.  They will learn how to communicate positively with others and to manage stressful situations.

Art:  Students will explore ways to express themselves creatively, and continue to develop skills while using art language.  They will think about the importance and meaning of the arts in their own lives, in their communities, and around the world.  Students will learn to think critically and talk about their experiences with learning the arts.

Goals and Expectations 

Our class, and our school, make up a community of learners.  We will share our strengths and work on challenges to help everyone succeed.  We will nurture a caring environment where all students feel accepted, valued, and safe.   Students will follow the Robertson School expectations of being respectful, responsible, and safe. 


Students will be assessed in an ongoing way - most frequently through observation, conversation, and products - with some formal assessments along the way.  These formal assessments will include reading records, the Units of Study Writing Continuum, and the WSD Learning Pathway (math).  The goal of assessment is always to determine what a student is able to do and set appropriate learning goals to work towards.   


I will be using Seesaw to make home-school communication easy.  Please ensure that you check Seesaw at least twice a week for valuable reminders, classroom updates, and snapshots of your child’s classroom learning.  If you would like to reach me at any point during the school year, you can send me a message on Seesaw or call the school (204-589-4745) to set up a meeting.  We are partners in your child’s education, and I welcome your involvement!  We have an exciting, enriching year of learning ahead of us!


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