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Grade 3 & 4 Room 134

September 12, 2024

Grade 3/4 Classroom Overview

Grade 3/4 Classroom Overview Welcome to Room 134!! I am so excited to be part of your child’s learning journey this year! 

Academic Focus 

Throughout the school year we will be focusing on literacy and numeracy, and integrating other curricular areas (science, social studies, art, and health) in a variety of ways that include outdoor learning, inquiry & project based learning, and mindfulness activities. A main focus in numeracy will be developing number sense, increasing mental math skills, and improving critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. In literacy, we will be working on developing strong readers and writers through daily instruction & practice, using a combination of different genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc). Regular numeracy and literacy routines will include activities like counting collections, representing numbers, word study and individual reading/writing conferences. 

Safety and Wellness 

Safety is our number one priority at Robertson School. 

Arrival - Students will meet outside in our designated area (hard top behind the gym) before school ONLY for Sept 4-6. The remainder of the school year students will be able to enter the school at any door at the beginning of the school day at 8:50am. 

Departure - Students will be dismissed daily at the designated area (hard top behind the gym) all school year. Please make arrangements for someone to pick your child up in that area. High touch areas in our classrooms will be sanitized, and students continue to wash hands and sanitize throughout the day. Please continue to help us keep everyone safe by monitoring your child for any symptoms and keeping them home when they are not well. Please remember to use School Messenger to inform the school of any absences. 

Students will have the opportunity each day to eat a snack. Please send your child a healthy snack to enjoy every morning. This helps to sustain our learning focus throughout the day. 


We’re on Seesaw! This will be our primary source of communication, as well as a learning platform. Please ensure you are connected to your child’s Seesaw journal using the Seesaw Family app using your child’s home learning code. 


If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom for field trips, etc…, please let me know! 

I am looking forward to a great learning year! 


Ms. Taylor 

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