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Room 122

September 13, 2024

Hello there! 

This is Ms. Torres from classroom 122. Our class was excited to start the school year because we had promised (yep, we pinky promised!) to make safe decisions, listen to others, use kind words, and be respectful. We talked about the various ways to show kindness to our family, friends, neighbours, community, and ourselves. We also began to understand the meaning of O'Canada, our national anthem, and how it inspires pride and togetherness among all Canadians. This term, we're looking forward to studying the properties of solids and liquids, as well as the effects of air and water on the environment, in science; studying citizenship and our rights and responsibilities in social studies; to challenge ourselves to solve math problems; and to acquire new vocabulary through reading and consistent practice to help us become proficient writers and readers! Looking forward to a great and fun learning experience this school year!

Ms. Torres

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