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Ms. Rosenberg

March 7, 2025

Happy March everyone! I hope all of you had a fabulous February enjoying our literacy learning. In our classroom, we had fun participating in many reading and writing activities for ‘I Love to Read Month.’ We welcomed many guest readers to our classroom and school community. It was a lot of fun!  

In February, our class engaged in daily literacy activities that included expressing ideas through painting and drawing as well as exploring various alphabet centres. We also practiced our literacy skills by writing the names of classmates on cards and creating our own pop-up books.  

At the end of the month, we had a blast celebrating 100 days in school! In small groups, we worked together to create necklaces of 100 Fruit Loops. We also felt proud parading around the school wearing our party hats that each student designed, so we were able to celebrate all of our amazing accomplishments with our school community.

During our daily carpet learning time, we engage in a variety of activities that help reinforce key math skills. Each day, we practice counting both forward and backward, and the students love our welcome song where they count their friends' names. We have been having a great time making different patterns and exploring how numbers can be represented in various ways. Some of the numeracy methods we have discussed include: five and ten frames, counting dice and tally marks, using number lines, and counting different objects including our fingers! 

Just a friendly reminder that our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences are coming up this month on March 13th and March 14th; I look forward to meeting with all of you to talk about your child’s accomplishments and next steps. Even though ‘I Love to Read’ month has come to an end, it is important to continue to share stories, listen to stories, and look at books. With spring break coming up, I also wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a safe, relaxing and fun spring break!






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