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Mrs. Cruzada

March 7, 2025

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Last February 14th  our class went for a Field Trip to Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada. During the tour, students were taught about the stories of Canada’s aviation and aerospace heritage. Students were challenged to be STEM-gineers, where they learned how to design, construct, and test a Hoop Glider to explore the concepts of gravity, force, and motion.

For ELA, we are continuously working in small group instruction during our Read To Me Framework. We are focused on developing our reading fluency and comprehension through daily practice of reading basic sight words, word families, sentences, and stories. We keep on practicing editing sentences, making inferences, spelling, CVC words, blends, digraphs and rhyming words. In Math, students are learning various skills like skip counting, place value, and identifying our Canadian coins and paper bills. For Social Studies, we had a great discussion about diversity and learned a lot about appreciating the differences that make us all unique. This coming March 24 at 9:15 in our morning assembly in our gymnasium, we are inviting Parents, Guardians, Caregivers, and Families of our students, to watch our Pro-Social Presentation. The theme of our presentation is Diversity and Culture,  as part of the program, our class will be singing and dancing to the song "Hello to All the Children of the World" by Wee Sing. This song is a joyful celebration of diversity and inclusivity. We are all excited to see you in our event!!!




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