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Ms. Vande Graaf

March 7, 2025

We had a great time at Camp Cedarwood. We made memories there that will last a lifetime. What a great experience!!

In Science are continuing to learn about space and our solar system. We have been moving through our solar system and leanring about each planet. We are also doing a piece of art and a poem about everythng we are studying. In the end we are each going to have our own space poetry booklet to share with you.  

In Social studies we are continuing to study Canadian History. We have been talking about the contact between the First Peoples and the Europeans and the many implications that arose from that. We have been diving into the Truth and Reconcilliation Treaty Education kits and learning quite a bit from them. 

We had a great time for I love to Read month doing all sorts of literacy activities. We wrote letters to our future selves, read books to each other, created book marks for our friends and managed to win a few lines in our READO activity. It was a lot of fun!

In math we are continuing to work on measurement, we are talking about area and perimeter. We are also learning about how to measure volume and the formulas needed to solve these problems. We are working on a design a project that incorporates what we are learning so stay tuned to see what that involves.  


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